Staying safe must be your priority after a fire ravaged your house. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know what to do after a fire. Calling a fire damage restoration in Los Angeles might not be a priority for you but it must be. You should not go back to your house after a fire. Instead, wait for the fire department to tell you it’s safe to do so. 

Fire Damage Restoration in Los Angeles to Ensure Your House is Safe 

Fires can easily start again even though they appear to be out. For that reason, you should not enter your house that has been damaged by a fire. Roofs and floors could fall while you’re inside.

For that reason, you should wait for the fire department to consider it safe to go back inside your house. Once you’re given clearance, you can go back to your house to retrieve your valuables. You should also retrieve your birth certificates, passports, and other important documents. 

Find a Place to Stay 

After retrieving your valuables and important documents, the restoration process must start. Call Scope Environmental for a free estimate. Once we have assessed the situation in your house, you can decide when to start the restoration. But we highly recommend doing it ASAP. The longer you wait, the longer it’ll take to restore your house.

When you decide to start the process, you can’t stay in your house that has been damaged by fire. It’s not safe for you and your family. If you have home insurance, your policy may cover the food, clothing, and shelter that you need for a specific period. 

Your insurer may help you find a safe place. But you may also want to live with your relatives if you’re more comfortable with that setup. Some people aren’t at ease staying in a hotel. 

There’s no need to worry about your property. Our restoration company can provide services that will prevent possible theft. We can use plywood bolted and install a security lock on the front door. 

Do You Need a Professional to Restore Your House After a Small House Fire? 

Yes. No matter how small the fire was, cleaning and restoring your place is still a tough job. It’s not a job for you to take care of. Fire restoration isn’t a DIY job. 

Keep in mind that small fires can still cause major damage. They can also leave odors that can cause health risks if inhaled. Soot can easily damage your house and your health. 

Rebuild Your House 

It can be difficult to rebuild your house after a fire. But it’s possible. Our fire damage restoration team will coordinate with your local fire department to ensure that it’s safe for us to work in your house. 

Don’t wait too long to call our fire damage restoration in Los Angeles. The restoration must be started as soon as possible. Call us for a free estimate: (855) 961 – 2660